Let’s practice together.

Photo credit: Nicole Kerstetter.

Find your flow. Ways to practice with me:

Le Ballet Petit, Ravenswood Manor

Class schedule available here. Adult drop in passes available.

Summer schedule:

Tuesday, July 22, 8-9 p.m.

Tuesday, July 29, 8-9 p.m.

Tuesday, Aug 5, 8-9 pm

Horner Park Farmers Market

Free community classes held outdoors at the Horner Park Farmers Market, intersection of California and Montrose Aves.

Saturday, June 8, 10 a.m.

Saturday, Aug 3: 10 a.m.

LaPointe Park

Free community classes held outdoors in LaPointe Park, sponsored by the Ravenswood Manor Improvement Association.

Thursday, June 27, 7 p.m.

Thursday, July 25, 7 p.m.

Thursday, Aug. 29, 7 p.m.

Private, Semi-Private and Group Classes

Private group, individual or semi-private instruction available upon request. Contact me for details!

What students say:

“Laura brings a wonderful sense of joy and humor to her teachings. I love practicing with her because I know the classes will be challenging but fun and I love the opportunity to play and try new things. Laura is genuine and so are her classes. It's a privilege to to learn from her.”

—Leah F.

“Laura's practice has been a true gift to my well-being. Through her expert guidance, my mind and body have become stronger, more flexible, and more at peace, all while enjoying the delightful blend of laughter and grace she brings to each ​and every class. I would follow her anywhere.”

—Lindsay E.

“Laura brings light, joy, healing and a giggle to my soul every time I step on a mat in her class.”

—Lynn F.

“Laura has made me believe I could do yoga - again and again! She helps push me beyond self-doubt and misbeliefs to find nice surprises along the way. I've learned a lot and done things I otherwise wouldn't have thought I could do. Her instruction is many things....clear, calm, positive, strong but humble, encouraging, and educational. And the word I'd use to describe it the very most is thoughtful. She clearly thinks about each and every move, breath, musical moment and spoken word and how they might all fall on the ears and minds of the people in the room. She cares and it shows, and that's the kind of class I want to be in.”

—Robyn F.

“I was always slightly dubious about yoga, and had tried it a couple times...but then I took my first class with Laura three years ago and never looked back!   She has a way of leading and engaging the room which wonderfully blends focusing on the physical and the internal -- and which models taking the practice seriously, but ourselves lightly.  I find myself consistently challenged, and yet never intimidated, during class...and strikingly grateful after each one.

—Erica B.