Photo credit: Steve Ewert Photography

The most important thing to bring to class is a sense of humor (and a great playlist).

Laura loves yoga. In her 15 years as an instructor, her mission has been sharing the physical and mental benefits of a regular yoga practice with others. Dance moms. Kids. Runners. Pregnant women. Families. Anyone who simply wants to be present and feel better. She believes in the power of falling over and laughing a little at yourself. Laura completed her teacher training at Yogaview, Prenatal Yoga training through Global Yoga and Children’s Yoga training through Next Generation Yoga and Youth Yoga Alliance.

Her favorite style of yoga to practice and teach is a creative vinyasa flow class full of sun salutations, hip openers and backbends. Often to a vibrant playlist of songs you would recognize. She openly takes suggestions from the class and does her best to teach to what she sees in her students. Laura also enjoys a good chair yoga class (especially with Waters and Coonley Elementary School teachers!) as well as yin yoga. She freely admits that she is terrible at using the gong at the end of class.